Useful links to other Scottish Dancing groups and resources.
If Thursday is not suitable Horsham Scottish Country Dancing Club meets from 8.00 - 10.00 pm on Mondays days from September to May at Millennium Hall, Crawley Road, Roffey, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4DT
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society is an international society supporting and encouraging Scottish Dancing throughout the world. They have branches in most countries and many affiliated groups, such as the Crawley club. More details of the activities of the RSCDS can be found at their website. RSCDS Brighton is the nearest branch.
The Sussex Association of Scottish Societies is exactly what the name indicates, an umbrella group coordinating such things as club dance dates to ensure that they do not clash.
The Sussex Folk Association - Scottish Country & Highland Dance In Sussex is a listing of dance clubs in Sussex.
The Mid-Sussex Caledonian Society is open to all those, regardless of nationality, who enjoy Scottish traditions and culture.
Charles Upton has created a crib sheet programme called Minicrib that runs on a PC which is available from his Minicrib website.
A useful source of information on Scottish dances including instructions and music can be found in the Dance Database of the Strathspey Server website.